Thursday, August 16, 2007

Be a truly Independent Indian

Recently India celebrated the 60th anniversary of being independent. 60 years ago, India “won” its independence from the British. We are “free” since then – Free to live, Free to work, Free to travel, etc. But, my concern here is that after the 60 years of being “free”, has the true meaning of independence lost somewhere? Has it been erased through the generations of various Indians? Does “being independent” means only “being free”?

Our great martyrs, who fought for freedom, felt the rushing urge within themselves to do so. They felt that it is their “responsibility” to help fellow Indians know about Independence and Freedom. The revolution which changed the thinking of a common Indian was carried out by “responsible” people.

Although being independent does mean being free, it is not the only thing in it. We, as Free Indians, should know that being independent also means being responsible towards our country – for saving it, for developing it, for nurturing it and for loving it. Every common Indian feels “What can only I, as an individual, do to help my country and my fellow countrymen?” I would like to stress upon a point here that every Indian in oneself is completely capable of doing many things for the country – be it a millionaire, be it a middle-class employee, be it a student, be it a child, be it the old people – anyone and everyone who is Indian can help India.

This Independence Day, I have made a resolution to contribute in saving the beauty of India whole heartedly. I have pledged that I’ll throw any garbage only at the place meant for it – the dustbin. I have pledged to respect my country. Although this resolution is not very big, I am sure that if every Indian takes this resolution, even a small resolution like this will create a noticeable result. I request all the Indians to do the same and try to motivate other people also in transforming India from a “Country on Earth” to “Heaven on Earth”. Please join me in my efforts and let us all show that we care for our country and we will do whatever we can to save it.

An Independent Indian,
Ajay Cilly

1 comment:

Katz said...

.. hey it good to see you doing something for the country.. I hope everyone realizes the same..

We can crib, grumble on the things that country is not giving.. but ultimately its only people in this country spoiling the image..

Good work dear..